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More Emotional Closeness, But Less Physical Desire?

Updated: Oct 23, 2023

Hey there, my fellow explorers of the heart! 🌟 Today, I'm pulling back the curtain to reveal a tale that’s etched with the raw honesty of Abhinav and me. Imagine sitting across from us, sharing a cup of warmth as we delve into a journey about our emotional and physical connection that didn't quite follow the script I had expected for intimacy.

Diverse Origins, Unlikely Connection

In 2013, in the bustling streets of Mumbai, where cultures converge and lives entwine, Abhinav and I found each other—a pair seemingly plucked from two disparate worlds. He hailed from the serene heartlands of rural India, while I was born and raised in the vibrant madness of New York. Despite our contrasting backgrounds, our paths converged in a dance that transcended conventions and expectations.

Opposites Attract: A Magnetic Paradox

Abhinav was a product of close-knit familial bonds, spoke regularly with relatives spread across generations. In contrast, my journey was colored by a complex relationship with kin, marked by distance and intricacies. He thrived in corporate juggernauts, while I had charted my entire professional course as an entrepreneur. Our perspectives on the world diverged too—his faith in technology's progress met my conviction in reviving traditional ways and tending to our Earth's well-being.

In conversation, he wove laughter through his words, disrupting predictability. My soul sought resonance in profound heart-to-hearts. At gatherings, he was the magnetic center, drawing energy; I preferred the quiet corner, immersed in deep dialogues.

Yet, these disparities, the chasm between us, kindled an electric current that surged between our beings. Like twin stars, we illuminated each other's skies, igniting a mutual fascination that arose from the uncharted territories we hailed from. Our differing landscapes birthed a panorama of perspectives, fueling our connection with vibrant conversation. He marveled at my unwavering dedication to aiding others and my audacity in courting risk; I, in turn, found enchantment in his ability to paint life with laughter and his patient gaze toward the evolution of his path. The magnetic pull between our opposing energies fueled not only desire but an ardor that set our intimacy ablaze.

Differences that Ignite: A Tapestry of Intimacy

As years unfolded, our union took on new dimensions. After we married, we moved from Mumbai to the vibrant heart of NYC. Amid the wait for his green card's approval, I extended an invitation to him, beckoning him to join me in sculpting my life coaching endeavor. My business was surging with momentum beyond my wildest dreams, and his talents became the cornerstone of its digital metamorphosis. Our work flourished, propelling my business to unprecedented heights. Amid this professional synergy, a heightened emotional intimacy blossomed, binding us closer.

In the midst of it all, as I acquainted him with the place I was born and raised, Abhinav also became closer to my friends, my hobbies, and my ways of living, weaving us into a tapestry of shared social experiences. For the first time, our individual ways of living merged into harmonious resonance.

Proximity and Paradox: The Erosion of Passion

Yet, paradoxes abound. Amid the crescendo of emotional intimacy, the level of physical desire seemed to wane. Our once fiery passion, now an ember, ignited questions that danced like shadows in twilight: How could greater emotional connection lead to waning physical connection?

As I delved into the labyrinth of our emotions, I chanced upon the teachings of renowned relationship researcher, Esther Perel. There, we discovered that our experience wasn't unique—many other couples grappled with the same enigma. For some, emotional closeness fuels the fire of intimacy, but for others, desire thrived in the space between. Our childhood stories, cultural imprints, and innermost desires craft the unique landscape of our individual intimacy needs.

The Experiment: Distance as a Catalyst

And so, although we were at the zenith of our joint coaching endeavor and embedded in an easy matrix of shared social circles, Abhinav and I embarked on an audacious experiment. Slowly, deliberately, we chose to step away from each other's orbits. This path, laden with uncertainty, led me through a difficult terrain of my own fears. Abhinav's newfound cricket matches and social life churned dormant fears of abandonment within me. Moreover, as he refocused on his personal career ambitions, relinquishing my enterprise, the void between us grew: he no longer understood, intimately, my deepest business challenges, and certainly couldn't solve them for me any more.

But as he returned from his cricket match, eyes ablaze with tales of triumph, or regaled me with visions of his ventures, a physical fire kindled anew. This ember, forgotten amid our entwined existence, now roared as a beacon of his individuality. His vitality infused my life with newfound excitement, creating an anticipation that rendered my heart aflutter. Abhinav started surprising me again, too: bringing me flowers, suddenly kissing me in the kitchen, and putting me to sleep with a massage. Passion flowed once more in our embrace.

Desire's Dance: An Evolving Symphony

Time unspooled, and both within my own relationship and through my counsel of others, I continued to explore the relationship between emotional and physical intimacy. What I’ve found is this: Desire's rhythm is an ever-changing enigma, sometimes, it is best woven with threads of emotional closeness, other times, passion explodes through the magic of mystery and distance. The key, I believe, is understanding that love's journey isn't linear; it evolves, shaped by our own personal evolution, upbringing, and experiences.

My greatest takeaway was this: monogamy need not extinguish the flames of our erotic selves. Our commitments, a covenant of exploration, grant us the canvas to paint and explore our desires over time. Together, emboldened by each other's presence, we nurture a partnership that embraces the waves within the voyage.

Reflection Questions for Your Journey:

  • Defying Societal Norms: How have societal narratives about long-term relationships and monogamy influenced your perceptions of desire and passion? How do you navigate these expectations while carving your unique path?

  • Navigating Intimacy: In your experience, does emotional closeness fuel physical desire, or have you found distance to be its catalyst?

  • Balancing Individuality and Togetherness: How do you find the equilibrium between nurturing your own passions and fostering shared experiences within your relationship?

  • Exploring Together: How might your commitment to one another serve as a canvas for evolving desires and shared adventures over time?

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