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Introducing Caitlin,

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Meet Caitlin Margaret, the heart and mind behind Ecstatic Love Lab. With a Masters in Social Work from Columbia University and over a decade of experience as a coach, Caitlin has guided hundreds of individuals to ignite passion, purpose, and profound connection in their lives.


Caitlin's journey is as unique as her approach. From impacting millions as a social entrepreneur in India to becoming a sought-after relationship expert in the US, she's always been driven by a simple truth: the quality of our relationships determines the quality of our lives.


At Ecstatic Love Lab, Caitlin combines her academic background with real-world wisdom to help couples:


  • Reignite passion and deep connection

  • Master the art of heartfelt communication

  • Transform relationship challenges into opportunities for growth

  • Build partnerships that fuel personal and professional success


As a mom and partner in a thriving 10-year relationship, Caitlin walks the talk. She understands the delicate balance of nurturing a relationship while juggling career demands and family life. Her approach isn't just theoretical—it's grounded in the day-to-day reality of building and maintaining a passionate, supportive partnership.’


Caitlin's secret sauce? A blend of cutting-edge relationship science, a psychology background, and a dash of adventure. She's not about endless talk sessions—expect practical strategies, experiential exercises, and real results.


Whether you're looking to spark up a dulling romance, navigate a major life transition together, or take your good relationship to extraordinary heights, Caitlin offers the tools, insights, and support you need.


Beyond her role running the Ecstatic Love Lab,, Caitlin is an author, permaculture enthusiast, salsa dancer, and board member for multiple non-profits. She brings this same zest for life and growth to her work with couples.


Ready to upgrade  your love life? Join Caitlin at Ecstatic Love Lab and create the love story you've always dreamed of—one that keeps getting better with time.​

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